Lambertville’s Postal History from the Collection of Jim Walker
Lambertville native Jim Walker has studied local postal history for decades. Here are select images from his collection of paper Americana, stamps, covers, postcards, ephemera and collateral items.
- 1795 candidates nomination list, Township of Amwell
- Federal estate tax #RM141 from a set of 9 DIES, 1799 Amwell
- Will signed by New Jersey Governor Lambert, Burlington County May 14, 1803
- Indenture for sale of a building lot above Church St. between John Coryell and Samuel Huselton, 1830 (in the village of George Town)
- Stampless 11 March 1815 from Wilson Lambert (Capt. John’s brother) to Samuel Southard in Flemington (NJ Gov. 1832), P.M. Capt. John Lambert using Lamberts Ville manuscript cancel while P.O. still Amwell, also war rate 12 cents
- Ringoes Way letter 11 cents Sarah Horner to Sister May in Phila. Spet. 1816
- Expenses for log rafting on the Delaware 1825
- Property transfer between Andrew and Ann Stout and William Biles, built the third oldest house on Bridge St. June 18, 1833, witnessed by Philip Marshall, James’ father, Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleads
- Swift-Sure Stage Line cover dated May 18, 1847, Phila. to Flemington, NJ
- Map of the Swift-Sure Stage routes
- 1832 letter from Ashbel Welch to Hugh White re: canal construction and cholera
- Negative letter Lambertville cance in use 1839-1841 Samuel Britton Postmaster from 1835-1841
- 30mm Lambertsville free frank, John Lilly PM 1844, cancel in use 1836-18(62)
- Oval New Hope, PA free frank Samuel D. Ingham March 19, 1827 cancel in use 1820-1852, Ingham member of the House of Representatives 1818-1829 and Jackson’s Sec. of the Treasury; U.S. #1 to New Hope 1849
- Late used of the old 30mm Lambertsville cancel June 2, 1862 and early use of the new 25mm double circle cancel June 12, 1862
- Telegraph forwarded to Dr. Josiah Simpson July 3, 1862 re: young Josiah and Col. James Simpson of the 4th N.J.V., lost at Gaines Mill, VA June 27, 1861
- Second telegraph July 5th “They are missing maybe captured”
- Two patriotic covers of the Civil War era, first one canceled twice 1863 addressed to Hopewell; second patriotic-flag cashet from Clinton Station to Lambertville
- “Railroad Service” mail from John Anderson, Supt. at Lambertville to Charles Bartles at Flemington Nov. 11, 1861 letter re: paying for uniforms for Captain Ashbel Angel’s officers company E. Third Regiment N.J.V.
- United States Christian Commission April 4, 1865 list of donations
- The official appointment of Augustus Barber as the first Postmaster of Lambertville as a third-class post office 1875, signed by President U.S. Grant and Postmaster General Marshall Jewell
- Boat service Seo’s boat, George Banschoff cancel boat mail 1882
- Lambertville c. 1900
- New post office located at 11 No. Union Street, opened 1908
- Mackay’s Baker, Coryell Street, c. 1906
- Union St. looking south above Coryell St., P.O. at the extreme right, postcard posted Sep. 19, 1905
- Lambertville baseball team 1904, Manager J.D. Mackay
- Map of Lambertville’s three postal delivery routes
- Picture of Lambertville’s first mail carriers: Williamson, Harrison and Moonan
- Harrison’s P.O. employment record
- John E. Moonan
- Williamson, Harry Q. Clark, Moonan
- Modern view of 11 N. Union Street, Lambertville
- Interior view of the new Post Office, 1914
- Horace Williamson employment record at retirement June 11, 1945
- Second page of Williamson’s pay record, age 68, service 36 years
- John E. Moonan employment record at retirement July 31, 1948
- Second page of Moonan’s pay record, Age 63, service 39 years
- Mackay’s murder, article in The Beacon Oct. 5, 1933
- Lambertville Post Office, 11 North Union Street c. 1948