About Us
The Lambertville Historical Society sponsors events and activities that promote community awareness and appreciation of Lambertville’s history and architecture. The Lambertville Historical Society also maintains and manages the James Wilson Marshall Museum at 60 Bridge St. in Lambertville. We also collect and preserve items of historical interest and make them accessible for public research.

James Wilson Marshall House Museum, 60 Bridge Street, Lambertville, NJ
Our Mission
Enriching the Present by Engaging our Past
The Lambertville Historical Society fosters, inspires and encourages the awareness, preservation and appreciation of Lambertville’s history and architecture through education, member engagement, community involvement, and the curation, promotion and conservation of the James Wilson Marshall House and Museum.
Board-approved 2023
2025 Officers
- President Michael Menche
- Vice President Chuck Hansen
- Treasurer Patrick Gallagher
- Secretary Nancy Campbell
2025 Board of Trustees
- Jeff Campbell
- Fred Eisinger
- Bill Falk
- Karla Feuer
- John Franzini
- Ed Hoag
- Regina Hoag
- Lee Lawrence
- Tom Ogren
- Kari Willey
2025 LHS Advisory Board
- Lauren Braun-Strumfels
- Naomi Drew
- Marc Fanelli
- Deborah Galen
- Suzanne Gitomer
- Holly Havens
- Nora Linderman
- Jeff McVey
- Ursula Mento
- Irene Rudolph
- Karen Taylor-Ogren
- Lou Toboz
- Laurie Weinstein
- Mark Weinstein